PIFOC® Objective & PInano® Sample Scanners for Microscopy

Piezo flexure stages and objective scanners of the PIFOC® and PInano® series offer high dynamics in positioning and scanning tasks. Well adapted solutions for XY specimen positioning parallel and vertical to the optical axis and Z focusing of the objective are available as standard products.

Stages are also available conveniently in a system together with controller and all required connecting cables and software. Like all piezo systems, microscopy stages and scanners are delivered precalibrated with measurement log. 

PIFOC® Objective Scanners for Microscopy


P-725.xCDE1S PIFOC Scanner System for Microscope Objectives

Dynamic focus scanner of the entry-level class for travel ranges up to 400 µm, incl. controller

P-725.xCDE2 PIFOC Focus Scanner for Microscope Objectives

Dynamic Scanning with Travel Ranges of 100 µm, 400 µm, or 800 µm

P-726 PIFOC High-Load Focus Scanner

Highly Dynamic Focus Scanner with Long Travel Range for Heavy Objectives

V-308 Voice Coil PIFOC Focus Drive for Objectives

High-dynamics positioner for microscope objectives

ND72Z2LAQ PIFOC Objective Scanning System 2000 µm

Nanometer Resolution and Fast Step-and-Settle

P-725.CDD PIFOC High Dynamics Piezo Scanner

Nanopositioner and Scanner for Microscope Objectives

Vertical Sample Stages for Microscopy

P-737 PIFOC Specimen Z Positioners

With Large Aperture and Low Profile

P-736 PInano® Z Microscope Scanner System

Inexpensive, with Low Profile

PInano® Piezo Flexure XY(Z) Scanners

P-545.xR8S PInano® XY(Z) Piezo System

Inexpensive Nanopositioning System for High-Resolution Microscopy

P-545.xC8S PInano® Cap XY(Z) Piezo System

Capacitive Position Measuring for Super-Resolution Microscopy

P-545.3D8S PInano® Trak Piezo Tracking System

Fast XY(Z) Stage for High Dynamics Microscopy